At Loan City Home Loans, it is our top priority to keep your financial information secure during and after the loan application process. Our loan officers will help protect your identity from theft, prevent fraud, and secure your online information and banking transactions.
Completing the required information for a loan application involves sensitive personal information. We are committed to keeping your information private. We do not share or sell your personal information with third parties. This security extends to electronic information as well — our computer systems have up-to-date firewalls and internet security software. All data files that are sent electronically are encrypted, which protects your personal information from being used by a third party if it were intercepted.
We monitor the security of electronic information stored on our computers and will promptly notify you if we think a security breach has occurred. However, we minimize that risk by only keeping the minimum necessary paperwork required for your loan application. Once the loan has closed, we provide you with copies of all necessary documents and shred information containing personal information which is no longer needed. In addition, only the employees who are authorized to handle personal, sensitive information are allowed to view your financial information. At Loan City Home Loans, our employees undergo regular and comprehensive training to ensure your electronic and paper information is secure.